Objective: This course is an excellent start for an engineer/technician wishing to establish a strong technical foundation on Gas Turbine Engines, its lifecycle and applications.
Course Description: This course is divided into four sections, starting with a journey through each stage of a Gas Turbine Engine lifecycle, exploring the options one might face, and explore the effect of different implementations of maintenance measures. ThesecondsectionoutlinestypicalGasTurbineEngine package configurations for different applications – from Gas Compressor sets to Power Generator Sets. The third section delves into the basics of how a Gas Turbine Engine works, starting from simple, fundamental explanations and building upon the participants knowledge and understanding of a complete Gas Turbine Engine. The final stage then allows the participant to investigate temperature parameters through a real-time temperature measurement activity to test their knowledge, exploring pros and cons of Gas Turbine Engines and then a Free-Play interactive activity where you can freely explore the Gas Turbine in the virtual environment and test yourself by identifying key Gas Turbine Engine components.
Course Content:
Section 1: Gas Turbine Lifecycle
- Explore the lifecycle of Gas Turbine Engines
- Different Implementations and Approaches to Gas Turbine Engine Maintenance
- Operating Decisions Throughout the Gas Turbine Lifecycle
Section 2: Gas Turbine Applications
- Explore the different Gas Turbine Engine Applications
- Overview of Gas Turbine Engine Packages
Section 3: Gas Turbine Basics
- Fundamentals of how a Gas Turbine Works
- Exploration of a complete Gas Turbine Engine
- Discussion of Theoretical Principles Behind Gas Turbine Operation
Section 3: Gas Turbine Parameters
- Investigation of temperature parameters in Gas Turbine Engines
- Explore the Pros and Cons of Gas Turbine Engines
- Consolidate Your Knowledge of Gas Turbine Engine Components